A Brief Introduction
Thank you for visiting our website. Rather than trying to impress you with a bunch of cool effects and eye-catching Flash presentations, we want you to feel as if you were sitting down to visit us over a cup of coffee. It's really tough working in Western Colorado, where the scenery is so uninspiring and no one wants to come visit us, so wer're especially pleased that you dropped by. It will be our pleasure to introduce you to the firm and give you a sense of how we might be able to help you with real estate related needs.
Who are we?
Bob Stevens, the Principal in Stevens Real Estate Services, began his appraisal career in 1973. He has earned the MAI and SRA designations with the Appraisal Institute, where he also has served at the state, regional and national levels since 1983. He has served as president of the Colorado Chapter of the Appraisal Institute and a member of the National Board of Directors.
Who are we?
Bob Stevens, the Principal in Stevens Real Estate Services, began his appraisal career in 1973. He has earned the MAI and SRA designations with the Appraisal Institute, where he also has served at the state, regional and national levels since 1983. He has served as president of the Colorado Chapter of the Appraisal Institute and a member of the National Board of Directors.